Monday, October 19, 2009

Education Results in Michigan

In a recently released study statistics sadly show that students in Michigan of all races are falling farther and farther behind their peers in other states. In fact the math achievement scores of Michigan's African American students are now the worst in the country, trailing even Alabama and the District of Columbia. That's a sad commentary on a state that long prided itself in providing excellent education for students of all races, from grammar school through college. What happened? And why is that Alabama and the District of Columbia, two other 'state's with large African American populations are also doing poorly. Where are the teachers and what are they doing? Where are the administrators? The government officials? Don't they care? How can we not at least adequately prepare a whole generation of students to be competitive in this new, global world of ours? The sad truth is that they won't be able to do so. How can parents fail to hold the schools and their administrators accountable? Because of the demise of the automobile industry Michigan currently leads the nation in unemployment. Unless significant changes are demanded and immediately so, it is likely that this story will only become worse over the coming years. Shame on all of us if we allow that to happen.

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