Saturday, November 21, 2009

Parents File Suit Against State's Education System

Florida state educators are being sued by parents, and some students, who claim that the state is not properly educating children. Of course the state strongly disagrees. There is no question but that educational systems in many states throughout the country do a woeful job in educating our children. Too often children are taught to take standardized tests which, unfortunately, continue to be used as the bench mark for success. Children need to learn about history, English, math and the sciences instead. They need to be educated so they can compete in this challenging new world we face. They need to learn to love books and reading. They need to be curious about life and everything around them. But educating our children is not the sole responsibility of the school board and teacher's. Rather, it is the responsibility of parents as well. Mothers and fathers must spend time with their children early on when they are first born. They must encourage, stimulate, challenge and provide positive reinforcement. A child's formative years, from birth to three or four years old are critically important to their overall success in life. How often have you been on a subway only to see young mothers never engage their children, never even talk with them or acknowledge them during the entire ride. Conversation is stimulation and that's what's needed to help young children learn. Without that verbal and visual stimulation the brain will atrophy and it can never go back the other way, ever. So, whatever the role states and teachers play in educating our children, and it's an important role, education really begins and continues in the home, it complements and supports what goes on in school. Our children will be lost otherwise.

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