Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Tiger Woods has done to himself what none of his fellow golfers have been able to do on a consistent basis, and that's to beat him at his game. The world's greatest golfer, and one of the top golfers of all time, has lived a life off the golf course that has undermined the brilliant success he has had on it. That's regrettable. Of course, athletes have exhibited that 'boys will be boys' attitude forever, that mentality that seems to give them permissibility to act so carelessly as Tiger acted. No doubt there are some men who are jealous of the many Tiger 'conquests' they've been reading about over the last couple of weeks. I could care less about them. But what about the young children Tiger has helped, encouraged, mentored and for whom Tiger has been such a incredible role model all these many years? What about those of us who never really watched the PGA Tournaments before Tiger but now would never miss a match when he is playing? Mr. Woods has acknowledge that he wronged his wife and family and broken the trust bestowed upon him by his many admirers. He must apologize to all and ask for our forgiveness. He and his wife will undoubtedly separate or divorce so he has to work hard to have a relationship with her that will allow both of them to be good parents to their children. He must seek help for what appears to be an addiction to sex (a 'serial philanderer' as someone called him. And it's good that he's taking some time away from the game of golf to do all those things. It is that hubris and strong belief in self that has enabled him to be the worlds # 1 Golfer. But it is that same swagger that has brought him to his knees. I hope that in time he will be able to stand again.

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