Thursday, February 11, 2010


After four weeks the world seems to have forgotten about the people of Haiti. With the exception of Anderson Cooper and CNN the news organizations no longer even mention Haiti except for a comment in passing. It's as if everyone believes the moment has passed, the crisis has been averted and life goes on. What's wrong with the world? Haiti lacked any real infrastructure and was the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere BEFORE the devastating earthquake destroyed the country. The suffering is enormous as people are still living on the street, in tents if they're lucky, outside in the open otherwise.
They are still wanting for the very basic necessities of life. Their hospitals are makeshift and people continue to die each and every day because there aren't enough drugs to go around, not enough basic medical equipment to assist the many doctors who continue to give of themselves to help others. There is no place to care for the large number of new amputees and to help rehabilitate them. The people of Haiti need help from the world now more than ever before. It will take decades before the country is rebuilt but we must keep Haiti top of mind in our conversations. Recovery will otherwise be impossible.

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