Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A moment of truth...3 of 3

But where will the general market agencies find the experienced African American talent they so desperately need? Rest assured, they won’t be calling us who own multicultural agencies seeking referrals. But they will certainly call and court our employees instead. At Footsteps, all our staff was trained at the best general market agencies; they couldn't work here otherwise. To those agencies I say thanks. And I will never stand in the way of any one who chooses to return to a bigger, general market agency -- sort of a reverse migration, if you will.

But why have those talented men and women chosen to come to us and be involved in multicultural marketing in the first place? They came here because they were passionate about the business of advertising and frustrated that at their general market agency they didn’t find an environment that nurtured their passion and pursuits, let alone rewarded them. That does not mean by the way that they should be treated any differently than anyone who is learning the business. Just the opposite, they should be treated the same…but the problem is they are not.

And they came because they wanted to work in the multicultural marketplace. At Footsteps, strategy is at the heart of everything we do. The positioning of our clients' brands is borne out of the insights and nuances our account group and planners work hard to identify. And while our creative is targeted it crosses over because it is based on universal truths. We can compete with anyone. And we'll gladly take the call from those clients who want a diverse group of wonderfully talented advertising people passionate about growing their business in the multicultural marketplace...and, beyond.

Excellence is colorblind. It is either excellent or it isn't, by anyone's standards. At Footsteps it is all about the business of advertising and we do it as well or better than anyone. In the world we live in and culture we foster “good is the enemy of excellence” and there is no other way to work. Our people could work anywhere but choose to work here, and our environment is demanding yet nurturing and respectful. Importantly, the rewards are directly commensurate with the effort.

But for those people of color who choose to work at general market agencies those agencies must first change their culture to one that is inviting to all people, one that truly provides an opportunity for all people. Being the only black person in a sea of otherwise whites is not an easy task. Especially since traditionally it meant having to work twice as hard and wait twice as long for promotions and rewards that never came. Not unlike Ralph Ellison’s ‘Invisible Man.’ The disparities continue to this day and they are many and great. It is a moment of truth, indeed.


  1. I particularly love your comment that "excellence is colorblind. It is either excellent or it isn't, by anyone's standards." All too often, flawed products will be accepted if performed by a person of color, simply because there is a flawed double standard in the advertising industry. If a product does not meet the standards of the brand, then excellence has been comprised, and this should not be acceptable to anyone in his right mind.
